Nightmares Course


The Nightmares Course at Queen’s University was developed in 2011 by Drs. Dan Howes and Mike O’Connor. The course emerged organically in response to requests from first year residents wanting more training in the response to acutely unwell patients. In 2014 Dr. Tim Chaplin took over as the course director and has expanded the course to include first year residents from 14 programs and to provide both formative feedback and summative assessment. The course involves 4 sessions between August and November, and a summative OSCE in December. Each session involves 4-5 residents and covers 3 simulated scenarios that are based on common calls on the ward. The course has been adapted for use at the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Manitoba, and Calgary University.


We will be publishing a new case from this series every 2 weeks until all the core nightmares cases are posted. Please reach out and let us know what you do with these cases. They are individually useful cases but also function nicely as a basic resuscitation curriculum for junior residents.

Look for cases starting October 22, 2019!

Case 1: Bradycardia

Case 2: Pneumonia

Case 3: Seizure

Case 4: Pulmonary Embolism

Case 5: Pulmonary Edema

Case 6: Ventricular Tachycardia 

Case 7: Hyperkalemia 

Case 8: Sepsis/Cholangitis

Case 9: STEMI

Case 10: Anaphylaxis