Case progression: states, modifiers and triggers

In order for a simulated scenario to run smoothly, the case progression needs to be planned for in advance. This involves determining which states the patient simulator progresses through, how modifiers may change features of those states and what triggers will be used to change between states. A working understanding of these terms makes developing … Continue reading Case progression: states, modifiers and triggers

Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose

A 27-year-old male presents to the emergency department with altered mental status after an intentional Amitriptyline overdose. He is found to have a wide QRS complex and an anticholinergic toxidrome. The patient deteriorates into PEA arrest necessitating advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) and intravenous sodium bicarbonate therapy.

CAH with adrenal crisis

A lethargic 1 week old presents from home after recurrent emesis and progressive sleepiness. He is hypovolemic, hypothermic, and hypoglycemic. If his hypoglycemia is not quickly corrected, he begins to seize and will continue to do so until the team gives glucose. If they do not, the patient will go on to have a VF arrest. If the team identifies and treats the hypoglycemia, orders blood work, and fluid resuscitates the child, they receive blood results demonstrating hyperkalemia and hyponatremia. If they correctly identify and treat the patient as a possible adrenal crisis, the neonate is safely transferred to the PICU. If they fail to treat the hyperkalemia or fail to administer steroids, the patient will have a VF arrest.

How to develop targeted simulation learning objectives – Part 1: The Theory

Simulation has filled a void that was once present in medical education. Written and oral examinations continue to be used to assess Miller’s “knows” and “knows how” levels of performance while clinical rotation evaluations rest at the top of the triangle: “Does”. Simulation completes Miller’s triangle by allowing learners to “show how” their knowledge and … Continue reading How to develop targeted simulation learning objectives – Part 1: The Theory

Ventricular Tachycardia due to Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia (ARVD)

A 26-year-old man who suffered a syncopal event while playing soccer presents to the emergency department with a stable wide-complex tachycardia (WCT). The patient must be treated with an antiarrhythmic medication or by synchronized cardioversion. The patient later deteriorates into an unstable WCT and then ventricular fibrillation requiring advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) and defibrillation.

Crisis Resource Management

What is CRM? Crisis Resource Management refers to the extremely important but sometimes difficult to define “soft skills” that can make or break the function of a team. The concept was originally developed by the airline industry in response to research demonstrating that the large majority of airplane crashes occurred due to failures of the crew … Continue reading Crisis Resource Management